FAQ - General



What is IQuery?

IQuery is a web-based data query system for collecting and disseminating public health data. IQuery is a product of a collaborative effort of seven agencies of the state of Illinois. IQuery is administered by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Who are the expected users of IQuery?

The expected users of IQuery are state agency data stewards, staff from local health departments and community-based agencies including healthcare providers. Additionally, any member of the public can access IQuery online.

How is IQuery different from the IPLAN Data System?

IPLAN (Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs) refers to Illinois' official certifications process for local health departments and the web data system that provides health information to that certification process. The IPLAN Data System is an online database containing 102 county-level health indicators used by local health department staff for assessment purposes as part of the local health department certification process. The IPLAN Data System indicators are individually culled from a number of different datasets across Illinois agencies.

Is personal /individual record data available through IQuery?

No personal or identifiable data is available through IQuery. Only aggregated (compiled from individual cases or events) data is available. If a data search returns a small number of cases that could potentially lead to personal identification, the number is not displayed and is represented by an asterisk (*) in the results.

How do I make requests for individual or disaggregated data for a particular indicator or a series of indicators?

The data descriptions include contract information for the data manager who is responsible for each indicator. Requests can be made by contacting the individual data managers through the contact information provided.

Do I have to register or pay to access data?

No. Currently all data that is in the IQuery system is available publically and without registration.

IQuery is running slow. Is there something I did - or do I need a faster computer?

Like any application running on the web, there are many factors which influence its responsiveness. However, no processing actually takes place on your computer. If a query or report is taking more than 10-30 seconds to run, simply try your query again. If the problem persists, please report it on the Feedback page.

The Reports are arranged horizontally in my browser. How can I fix that?

The IQuery application is designed to work well with a variety of internet browsers. However, some older browsers do not correctly display all of the IQuery features. For example, older versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE7 and earlier) do not display the reports vertically. The most recent version of popular browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) should all display the IQuery application as intended.

Is there a tutorial or video available for IQuery?

The "Step by Step Guide (pdf)" is a detailed introduction to IQuery, and includes screenshots and descriptions of IQuery pages and tools. There is also a recorded version of a one-hour training webinar from this year. These and other help materials are available through the Help link.

How can I learn about enhancements or updates to IQuery?

You may sign up for general updates on the Feedback page, and you will receive information about new datasets, health indicators, analysis tools, additional resources and updates.